By Glenlarson at English Wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The MD of Bighorn was hit hard by the 2013 flood and five years later there’s still more work to be done. All five of the district’s hamlets were affected in some way by river or creek flooding, and with the relatively small tax base their municipal government has had to rely on funding from grants and the province to protect communities from future events.

I spoke with MD of Bighorn Reeve Dene Cooper and Banff-Cochrane MLA Cam Westhead about a subject Tanya and I broached a few weeks ago – the removal of some pedestrian bridges crossing Exshaw Creek as part of ongoing mitigation work.  We spoke about how plans for a new bridge are in the works, how these two levels of government have and continue to work together collaboratively on these issues, and the importance of fairness in flood restoration and mitigation funding.

Filed under: cam westhead, Exshaw, MD of Bighorn